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College Admissions Testing

SAT and ACT Testing

For many students, that first step in the college admissions process takes place when they register for the SAT or ACT. Many colleges and universities require that scores from one of these tests be sent as part of their admissions application. Most students take the SAT or ACT during the second semester of their junior year with some taking one of them again in the fall of their senior year.
Prior to taking the SAT or ACT, juniors take the PSAT during October of their junior year.The PSAT is a great practice for the SAT. Students who score in the 3% in the nation can qualify for participation National Merit Scholarship Program with the top 1% qualifying as National Merit semi -finalists and scholarships. Students scoring in the top 3% but not the top 1% are recognized as Commended students by the National Merit program.
The National Hispanic Recognition Program (NHRP) is also accessed by taking the PSAT as a junior. Students who identify as one-quarter Hispanic/Latino as defined by the NHRP who score within the top 2.5% (5000) of Hispanic/Latino students taking the PSAT and meet certain other requirements have their names sent on to colleges and universities interested in academically outstanding seniors of Hispanic/Latino heritage. While currently there is no direct scholarship associated with the NHRP, students may qualify for scholarships at individual colleges and universities.
Information on College Admission Testing can be obtained from Ms. Wittman in the Career Center or by emailing